CYBER Security is Our Shared Responsibility …
Information Technology patterns are changing and people are switching from Desktops to Laptops & Tablets, Entry level Phones to Smart Phones and Hard Disk to Cloud Storage. All these new technologies are prone to Threats-Cyber-attacks-data theft & financial loss.Cyber Crime is an underground economy which is flourishing at the cost of corporations and people. IT security is a serious problem now with the threat landscape looking more menacing and complicated.
To deal with the problem of growing cybercrime, CYBER KAWACH COUNCIL (A Project of SECURING HUMAN FOUNDATION – NGO Registered under Section – 8 Ministry of Corporate Affairs -India) has taken pioneering initiatives to increase awareness about preventing incidents of cyber crime.Among the very few organizations in India working for Cyber Security Awareness, the SHF Stands to be the first NGO in Gujarat to work for Cyber Security Awareness.
Join CKC - Looking forward to your support in making India – The First Country fully geared up to fight the Cyber War and end the regime of Cyber Criminals. …
CYBER KAWACH COUNCIL Membership is open to any Organization, Company, or Institution in India engaged in manufacturing and service sector including IT, Education, Banks, Financial Institution, Hospital, Media, CA, CS, Cost Accountants, Advertising Agency, Schools, College, University etc. are eligible.Companies/Institutions/Colleges/Schools from the same group are to take up membership separately, there is not group membership.
The main Objective of CYBER KAWACH COUNCIL (A Project of SECURING HUMAN FOUNDATION) isAware / Prepare Indian Citizen to become a Responsible “NETIZEN”